Yooyeon Nam is a Korean-born, New York-based artist who explores themes of alienation and cultural displacement through figurative works. Her characters, often child-like and with blank, downward gazing eyes, reflect her sense of disconnection and cultural norms. The unsettling contrast between their cuteness and darker narratives intensifies the eerie atmosphere in her work, drawing inspiration from Korean Buddha sculptures and their idealized, mysterious forms.


New York City, United States

Artistic Themes

Aimlessness, Alienation, Displacement, Existentialism, Marginality, Maximalism, Mystery & Illusion, Paradox, Strange & Grotesque Imagery, Uncanniness

Contact Details

Email: yooyeon.art@gmail.com

Web: https://yooyeonnam.modoo.at

Social: @yooyeon_nam

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