featured artists
virtual realities
Test the limits of your imagination with artist, Dallrye Kang.
From conservative Confucian roots, Dallrye Kang came to terms with a lingering sense of indifference, insignificance and boredom while growing up. As if on life support, the beating heart of her childhood was constrained, her creative pulse deadened without a trace. Craving the challenge and excitement of adventures unknown, she abandoned the status quo and embarked on a journey across the African continent. Through her cross-cultural encounters, Dallrye forced herself to negotiate the contradictions and fashion turning points anew. Far from home, she happened upon an eclectic landscape in which to stimulate her senses and test the limits of her once incarcerated imagination.
Dallrye also confronted inner demons, the unsettling realities of which she transcended via the therapeutic medium of art. By casting life’s intensities in a jovial light, she fashions a unique form of recovery within the reimagined constructs of her virtual worlds. In the company of her cartoon projections, time has no boundaries, and the spirit and consciousness of all beings is free to coexist and challenge a mechanical form of existence in desolate times.