nature re-imagined

suyeong heo

Yangsandong 05 (2013-2022). Oil on canvas. 210 x 147cm.

When Korean artist Suyeong Heo waters his garden each day, he observes the plants, insects and complexities of the soil in incredible depth. As a child of nature, he looks through the looking glass and ponders upon the many organic, microscopic details hidden from view. Suddenly, the seemingly innumerable leaves and countless grains of sand disentangle, each revealing a miraculous sense of individuality upon closer inspection. Back in his studio, Suyeong paints blades of grass and solitary trees, harmonizing the lesser-known facets of nature into an intricate tapestry of movement and delight. From up-close accumulations of tiny bugs to celestial mysteries galaxies apart, he contorts the laws of time and space on canvas, forming compelling landscapes for his audience to roam with wild curiosity and spontaneous abandon to match.

jun-yi lee

Beautiful Stars 2. 2022. Acrylic on Canvas. 45 x 53cm.

For Korean artist Jun-Yi Lee, painting has always been a close companion, empowering her to let go of trivial concerns and live life to the fullest in the present. With humble dwellings as her primary motif, she expresses a stark fondness and nostalgia for her hometown of Gyeongju. She utilizes acrylic paints on Oriental dyed cloth to immortalize cherished memories, and as the warmth of the fabric intermingles with the sentimentality of her brushstrokes, she nourishes herself with the colorful remnants of many a bygone day. Having been hurled around in this unpredictable world, Jun-Yi re-traces her roots, picks up the fragments of despair, and attempts to shine brightly again like the pink muhly under the stars of a Dareungcheon sunset.

chae yeong kim

Wind (2021). Mixed Media on Canvas.

The world that Korean artist Chae Yeong Kim witnessed while dreaming felt somewhat disorienting. In an altered state, she was able to visualize the backdrop of her life anew, and just like that, the realms of fantasy and reality began to converge. While dreaming, Chae Yeong frolics in vast fields of reeds with the temperate breeze blowing through her hair. Deep in sleep, she listens to the sound of silence and loses herself ever so briefly in the heavenly blue skies above. As a young creative, she has spent her art school days depicting the unique overlap between ethereal dreamscapes and the very real landscapes of the Korean countryside close by. Through the spontaneous intermingling of ink and water, she finds new and remarkable ways to represent the otherworldly sensations and gyrations of the four seasons as they brush delicately against her skin.

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