from sky to april

Hee Bae is a cultivator of landscapes where intrepid memories and collective histories burst into vivid colors and abstract forms. Informed by the flora and fauna of the various countries she has visited, Hee’s compositions encapsulate a spirit of self-discovery and adaptation. Through symbolic representations of transient winds, sunlight, Indian banyan trees, and Korean pines, nature becomes a protagonist and participant in her journey of self-reflection and cross-cultural exchange.

Hee’s pulsating brushstrokes and cascades of color manifest as vessels of meaning-making and connection. Derived from the Korean color philosophy of Osaek, which represents the five colors of spring, her palette celebrates the fusion of traditional aesthetics with expressions of diversity she has stumbled upon en-route. In standout works like From Sky to April, Hee harmonizes the scorching heat of an Indian April with the refreshing vibes of a Korean spring, bridging the emotional and physical landscapes of the two places she calls home.

Hee layers paint methodically to defend against idle conventions and artistic constraints. She follows intuition, pouring out spectrums of intimate subjectivity destined to some day meet the external gaze, tease introspection, and mingle ever so gently with the lived experiences of those beyond the frame.

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